Fill Details And Predict Your MAT Percentile
Your Expected MAT Score will help us to predict your MAT Percentile & recommend you better colleges and admissions. In case, if you don’t have actual Score, then enter expected Score .
Enter MAT Score Detail
Disclaimer: Since MAT Percentile depends upon number of candidates, so there is no option to calculate your accurate percentile because percentile score is depend on (A)Total no. of candidates appeared in the exam & (B)Number of candidates who have scored less marks than you .Both are unknown to you so you have not option to calculate it because this information is hidden to candidate . In case of any dispute related to our prediction we are not responsible because it is only a estimated score predicted by our experts.
How does MAT Percentile Predictor work ?
MAT Percentile Predictor use your expected composite MAT Score provided by you to predict your performance in the exam and on the basis of this we estimate no. of candidates having less score than you. No. of total candidates appeared in the exam are estimated by our experts on the basis of no. of students appeared in the previous years exams. Thus MAT Percentile Predictor calculates and predict your estimated percentile.
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